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您当前位置:首页 企业EB橡胶止水带施工详图


我公司生产的橡胶止水带是以国产优质标一天然橡胶和各种合成橡胶为主要原料,掺加各种促进剂剂及填充剂,经塑炼、混炼、硫化、模压而制成的一种止水带产品,它就是利用橡胶的高弹性,在各种压力荷载下产生弹性变形,从而起到坚固密封,可以有效地防止建筑构造的漏水,渗水并起到减震缓冲作用。 My company production of r旋转吊钩ubber sealing strip are made of high quality standard of natural rubber and various synthetic rubber as the main raw material, adding accelerant agent and filler, a sealing strip products by plastication, mixing, curing and molding is made, it is the use of high elastic rubber, produce elastic deformation under pressure under the load, so as to strengthen the seal, can effectively prevent the construction of the Water Leakage, seepage and play a cushioning. 在国家许多大型工程建筑设计中,土建、水土结构之间都有一定的伸缩要求,并存在防水防震等要求,因此采用和安装橡胶止水带是有效地解决以上工程中遇到种种问题。橡胶止水带的品种规格比较多,按形状可以分为:山型、桥型、P型、U型、Z型、乙型、T型、H型、E型、Q型等。如果按使用情况又可分类为背贴式和埋式橡胶止水带,因为橡胶具有良好的弹性,耐磨性、耐老化性和抗撕裂性能,所以橡胶止水带具有适应变形能力强、防水性能好的特点,按国产规定橡胶止水带的温度使用范围为-45℃-+60℃,当温度超过70℃,或受强烈的氧化作用或受油类等有机溶剂侵蚀时,均不得使用橡胶止水带。 In many large nationaPP材料还必须具有抗应力发白的性能l engineering and architectural design, there are some expansion requirements between civil engineering and water and soil structure, and there are requirements for water and shock proof. Therefore, the adoption an螺纹法兰d installation of rubber water stop are effe圆锥销ctive solutions to all problems encountered in the above projects. The rubber sealing belt has many varieties and specifications, and can be divided into mountain, bridge, P, U, Z, B, T, H, E, Q, etc. According to the use case can be classi经过量年的发展fied as back stick type and embedded rubber water stop belt, because the rubber has good elasticity, abrasion resistance, aging resistance and tear resistance, so the rubber sealing belt has the ability to adapt to the characteristics of deformation and good waterproof performance, according to the provisions of the domestic rubber water stop temperature range is -45 -+60 DEG C, when the temperature exceeds 70 degrees, or by strong oxidation or by oil and other organic solvents, are not allowed to use the rubber sealing belt. 橡胶止水带产品应用范围及标准橡胶止水带与遇水膨胀橡胶止水带一样都可以应用于地下构筑物、水坝、贮水池、游泳池、屋面以及其他建筑物质、伸缩缝、建筑物的变形缝防水中使用。本产品主要用于混凝土现浇时设在施工缝及变形缝内,与混凝土结构成为一体的基础工程、地下设施、隧道涵洞、输水渡槽、挡水坝等,确保工程建设的使用寿命。 The application range of rubber sealing belt and standard rubber sealing belt can be applied to underground structures, dams, reservoirs, swimming pools, roofs and other building materials, expansion joints and building deformation joints. This product is mainly used for concrete cast-in-place engineering, underground facilities, tunnel culverts, water conveyance aqueducts and water retaining dams, which are built in the construction joints and deformation joints, and ensure the engineering construction 秤盘life.
